It had taken me absolutely weeks to recover from the lurgy that emerged on Boxing Day, almost five weeks I think but with much taking of Vitamin C, Iron and other such restorative lovelies it had almost gone and I was beginning to feel like myself again.
In fact, so much so that on Thursday morning I jumped out of bed with the alarm (without swearing at it too) and was full of thoughts of a day out in lovely London to go shopping for a Ball gown!
Along the landing I trotted and first foot on the stair carpet and I am not sure quite what happened then. I know it hurt, an awful lot actually. I had one hand gripping onto the bannister for grim death, one leg half way down the stairs, a sore elbow and the other leg half way under me. Ouch!
I shouted for help as I couldn't really get up terribly well and my poor right foot was a bit, well crooked actually. Having been helped to the settee by my hubby I sat with my poorly foot on the table, soothing it with a pack of something frozen whilst hubby cleaned by carpet burnt elbow. I felt a little battered and took a painkiller and nodded off for an hour or two.
I cannot begin to describe the pain in my foot when I woke up, I can only liken it to having ones toes stabbed with an icepick, or at least how I imagine that would feel. After all, I've had four children; I'm a big girl where pain is concerned! But this was something new altogether, truly awful.
So off I hopped to our local A & E and to cut a long story short I have broken two toes, the big one and the little one which is rather inconvenient on two counts. I can't walk on the side of my foot as it hurts on both of them and I can't stand long enough to try on a Ball gown either :(
Needless to say I am not a happy Bunny at the moment. I am grateful that I didn't break a larger bone but it is such a nuisance! 'sigh'
Only one thing for it for now , rest, strapping it up and hoping that I am sufficiently recovered to purchase something befitting such a lovely event very soon-onwards and upwards I say!
Motto of this post? Beware of stairs and recovering too much mojo!

Ouch! That sounds awful! I guess you'll need a lot more help looking after the kids now. Hope you recover quickly :)
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