1. Mafia Movies and 'Mob' type chaps.
Young Marlon Brando 'swoon'
I confess to having seen the Godfather (all of them) several times and we have them on Video and DVD. Casino, Heat, Goodfellas, you name them. I love them all. Darn those pesky bad boys!
2. Curtis Jackson - a.k.a 50 Cent.
Number one son and I have been to see him twice in Concert. I behaved very badly and got a tad hot under the collar when he started to strip off and then threw his shirt into the crowd. Sadly not to me, but it was still a rather nice sight. Number one son was very good and pretended not to notice (bless him) The whole concert was amazing, so full of energy I was high for days. A fine example of a man in his prime 'cough cough' Killer smile, great sense of humour ( lots of laughs all night) what's not to drool lust over?
I appreciate not everyones cup of tea and I have to admit it did take a while to find a clip without a huge amount of expletives but here he is with that smile and those eyes! 'melt'
moving swiftly on to
3. Fabric
Am utterly addicted to buying fabric and have boxes overflowing full of yards, scraps and fat quarters; some of it still in the bags am ashamed to say. I save old pieces and clothes to cut up for 'projects' some of which never materialise. I can't help it. I can't leave it alone, the feel, the colours - it's like sweet shopping for me. I love to sew and cover things in fabric too, I just can't leave anything alone the way it is!
4. Enrique Iglesias
What's not to like? I know that his Daddy is nearer my age but who cares right? He's just plain gorgeous. The first time I saw him was on the video for 'Bailamos' about ten years ago. One of the girls I worked with brought the CD with it on in. I don't recall doing a huge amount of work that day...
Is it molt calenta in here or just me? Must be in the blood...'fans self'
Last, but not least a foodie pleasure.
5. Nestles Sweetened Condensed Milk
This was a chance discovery when I was expecting number one son; I had bought a tin and left it in the fridge without it's 'lid' on. Overnight the top hardened, a sort of layer. It was like runny fudge or white caramel. So utterly yummy, really, really sweet and probably really bad for you too. About twice a year I buy a tin just to take the top off and leave it to harden; every time I go in the fridge I eat a teaspoonful, isn't that awful!
I really enjoyed reading other folks guilty pleasures; made me feel so much better about mine ( although I could have written more than five; (fried chicken, sobraine cigarettes and fruitellas spring to mind!) some of them are really funny, pop over and have a read

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