They have fed, bathed, changed, pacified and loved them in equal amounts. They have become very close to both of them despite being thrown up on, jumped on, pooped on and generally behaved like another set of parents. I really don't know how I could have coped in the early days without them.
I know that over the last four years the girls have learnt a huge amount from their big brothers. Number one son teaches them Chinese over the dinner table and tells them about Internationl Politics. Number two son teaches them dance steps and dances with them around the dining room; a lot! They get to play on his drums, keyboard and all of the other instruments strewn around his room. For all of this I am truly grateful. It does this mummas heart good to see that despite the fifteen year gap they all are genuinely fond of each other.
I cannot say that I ever expected my four year old to hand me a plastic play cup and say
Gee, thanks Emile...
Children, aren't they a treasure

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