My sanity or 'Twin Free Thursday' as it's known.
But I was full of good intentions to do so much this week. I made lists, set Calendar reminders and found
In fact, I had so many things to blog about that I actually ended up doing none of them; consequently my little page has remained unloved this week.'sniff'
I had promised myself to join in with MochaBeenieMummy again on Silent Sunday. It's great fun to do, doesn't require you to be a fabulous writer or photographer ( although the standard of piccies is remarkable most weeks and puts my efforts to shame!) There are some lovely bloggy ladies who take part too.
So why didn't I?
It started with Sunday; which was spent watching number two son dance his little Tap shoes off at a fabby masterclass in London. It reqired a horribly early start and we didn't get home until quite late. It's a whole other post altogether as I was actually meant to leave him at his class and take the underground to a Vintage Fair.
(Something else I meant to blog about but haven't managed)
Then I wanted to take part in Magpie Monday. Missielizzie and I definately share a love of charity shop finds and I have lots of them to share at the moment. But Monday was spent doing huge amounts of laundry as being away on Sunday meant that the beds weren't done.
Is there a pattern here?
The Gallery is another blog event that I have wanted to take part in for a while but always either miss it or don't have the right type of picture!
This weeks theme was trees but I have been so cold this week that I haven't really been in the mood to venture out to take any. The lovely Tara assured me on Twitter that the beauty of it is that you can join in anytime so I am absolutely determined to do so next week, on Wednesday...
I have been a little busy though, besides administering love, mummy hugs and clean pj's to the small people I have started to write my very first tutorial.
I hope it will be simple to follow and someone will actually try it and let me know if it's not a dreadful disaster? I have made a couple of these lovely necklaces for the twins last Birthday
Aren't they pretty? Which is more than can be said for the face Dimples is pulling at lashes. 'ahem'..moving swiftly on.
I plan to make some more to match their new summer frocks this year and I think it might be fun to make some up using some Vintage beads if you have any that are beyond repair? (Of course, I could never advocate breaking up the precious Vintage ones!!)
So that's about the week sewn up. Not much accomplished but onwards and upwards,
Hope you all are faring much better,

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