At first I couldn't think of anything particularly inspiring other than the things I do on a daily basis. More laundry, thinking of something for dinner again. Opening bills with huge amounts of inserts and adverts that I never read, the usual mundane motions that I go through whilst I try to retain some semblance of myself.
Now, after dinner, the twins are in bed and the house has stopped moving. I have a chance to hear my thoughts in more than just 'must do' snippets.
I am able to think what tomorrow means to me.
For the most part I hope that tomorrow brings no news, nothing of any major importance. I am content for tomorrow to be, for the most part as mundane as today. I don't mean that I wouldn't like a little glamour but in the absence of that I will settle for everyone being just where they should be. Everyone I love being safe and I hope that tomorrow my little girls face will not be quite so sore!
I hope that I will get a call from number one son finally. He has been in China for a week and I haven't heard his voice since I hugged him at the departure gate last Friday. I know he's in once piece; he has sent me text messages but nothing compares to hearing him.
When I go to bed at night I hope that tomorrow I will get to see and hug my Grandma again. She has been in a nursing home for three weeks now and she isn't very happy. I would love to have her live with us but we have absolutely no room. Add to this the amount of care she needs now she is unable to move at all and it just isn't possible. I am sorry about this every day. I hope I can see her again and that I get to say to her, " see you tomorrow" for a while longer yet.

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