So penned by Tanya Gold in the Telegraph last weekend.
Apparently, the current trend for Cupcakes, baking, home making and other such domestic delights are really not her cup of tea so to speak.
Well that's fair enough, we are, after all entitled to our opinions and she actually gets paid for hers.
But this article strikes me as just a teensy bit offensive. Just what is it so much that she objects to? It all sounds just a tad like jealousy to me. After all, for years women have been employed in typically male orientated workplaces. They have donned suits, heels, blow drys and mobiles to do battle in a male environment. There wasn't really much option to be a 'Professional' before was there?
Over the last ten years, with the rise of the internet and social media, women now have many other ways to earn. They also don't have to make the choice of work/home life should they choose not to. The lines are blurring and I think it's a jolly good thing.
If a woman wants to stay at home with her children or indeed without children and earn from the comfort of her kitchen or craft desk who is Tanya Gold to say that she shouldn't? Does this imply that the 60's never happened? It's as though she is suggesting that these very talented and creative women have somehow 'sold out'.
Surely the very ethos of feminism is choice and freedom for women? Am I missing something here? Does the fact that I choose to stay at home and am not terminally bored mean that I have let 'the girls' down?
She is scathing to women that don't put their careers first. She accuses Michelle Obama of hiding her light under a Cupcake stand and describes Samantha Cameron & The Duchess of Cambridge as 'models of almost insane domestic submission.'
These accusations are clearly not true. Michelle Obama is no stranger to rolling up her sleeves as proven by her Kitchen Garden at the White House and her workout with Desmond Tutu last week & her working on a playground.
Samantha Cameron cut her working hours when she was expecting her last baby, after the death of their son and to help her husband with his campaign. Now she dares to design handbags. Handbags! How dare she, such evil things. Why aren't you all carrying sack cloths you silly, vain creatures.
Are these actions really worthy of such an attack?
As for the Duchess of Cambridge; she is new to her Royal life. Love her or loathe her she is behaving impeccably. I would suspect that she has seen the mistakes previous Royal wives have made and is anxious not to repeat them in the glare of the worlds press. Does that really make her nothing more than 'a prop for her royal husband, like a talking, if very photogenic, cushion'?
Other comments such as 'cupcake mania', enforced domesticity', 'playing with sprinkles' do nothing to dispel the myth that women who work at or stay at home are docile, imprisoned or just plain silly. Which is just PLAIN SILLY in itself.
Perhaps La Gold should visit some of these women who make, bake, decorate, look after their families, do their books and run their websites late into the night?
Maybe 'Retro Feminity' is on the rise. Just maybe it's a smart option for the modern women who really do want to and indeed can have it all. Maybe women are remembering or just realising that it's ok to be pretty, a mother, have gingham curtains and earn a bloody good living too.
Personally, I love Cupcakes. Sprinkles? Sprinkle away.
I think it was time these militant feminists realised that sometimes, you actually do catch more flies with honey.
Would love to know what your thoughts are,

Are you interested in this - starting Monday 11th July ...
ReplyDeleteOk ok so itβs PAP for short β Pass A Post β give it a go !
I pass a post for you, you pass a post to someone else and so on !
At the bottom of each of these posts will be the start date of the PAP chain and a list of links to those who have contributed β a heads up point to your blog .
That sounds like a fab idea, thank you! Will the link up post be on your blog?
ReplyDeleteI'm a self-proclaimed radical feminist taking an anti porn /pro sex stance. I'm angry at how pornography informs men about women's sexuality when it is an industry mainly for men by men.
ReplyDeleteSo I must be a man-hater right?
Not at all.
I'm in a long term relationship with the loveliest man in the world and I love to cook for him, bake for him and generally fuss after him because I ENJOY IT. He in turn is very protective over me and treats me like a princess.
Oh and did I mention that I'm a crochet nut and love all kinds of craft, including knitting, sewing and embroidery, card making, drawing, painting and yes, making cup cakes.
That is because I am a human being who is capable of doing lots of things and do not follow a prescriptive list of how to be as a woman.
I feel that women need to take that last step of liberation and stop judging each other.
I'll get a little political here and say that the Patriarchy needs us to bitch at each other to survive. On that level it all makes sense.
Divide and conquer. It's always been like that.
Thank you for the thoughtful comment. I really couldn't agree more!
ReplyDeleteJudging each other is the worst way that women treat each other. We are multidimensional in our very make up, it's one of the wonderful things about being a woman.
It's interesting that you describe yourself as a radical feminist; I suppose I have my own (probably wrong) preconceived idea of what a radical feminist is. Over the past few years I had come to the conclusion that I was an anti- feminism ( in it's present day form of male bashing particularly) Of course in its purest form it still has a long way to go in some parts of the world, but I don't see it doing women many favours here.
Although I have heard many people allude to the 'sisterhood', I have to confess that I don't encounter many examples of it. Women like Tanya Gold have done little to enamour me to the modern feminists cause.
I hadn't considered that by fighting amongst ourselves we play into the hands of a Patriarchy; the fact that a women wrote the article is almost as insulting as the content for me.
For my part, I really LIKE men! I still consider myself to be more anti than pro feminism but certainly don't consider that my views or choices qualify me to criticize or sit in judgement of the way another woman chooses to live her life- any aspect of it.
It is ok to be pretty, it is ok to have domestic skills, it is certainly ok to enjoy the love and protection of a man, and have great sex too.
More to the point it's certainly possible to enjoy all these things and be articulate, smart, inspiring and dignified.
I'm all for retro femininity if that's what floats your boat! you can look pretty and be a sentient being thank you very much Tanya Gold
ReplyDelete@ Mumma Bunny, Thank you so much for taking the time to respond so fully to my comment. Wow, isn't it great when people communicate.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that you relate more to being an anti feminist rather than a feminist, I too once felt that way until I worked with a colleague who was a radical feminist. That is where I started my political journey from anti to radically pro.
One of the strongest radical feminists was Andrea Dworkin who far from being a man hater wrote "we are not Feminists because we hate men, we are Feminists because we believe in men's humanity; against all evidence to the contrary".
Boy... I could go on , but I wont. The more I speak to young girls about their experiences, the more I despair. It's a long hard struggle but by at least trying to unite rather than bitch and talk rather than blame we can make a change.
If you are interested in more, do get in touch. I've written quite a few very serious notes on FB that deal with this topic.
Thanks for entering the debate. The fact that you were riled by this topic doesn't mean that you are anti feminist, in my mind that makes you more of a real feminist than you think!
@Emmak, I absolutely agree; pincurls, pinnies and a degree :)
ReplyDelete@KPH I will get in touch with you thank you. Not sure I will ever be a radical, probably far too long in the tooth but I would like to read your notes.
hello, thanks for stopping by my blog and for the lovely commment.
ReplyDeleteI cant believe the cheek of this woman, who on earth does she think she is! i am a stay at home mommy, and i crochet and scrapbook and bake and love spending time with my munch bunch. i always knew that i would be a sahm,as i wanted to raise my children myself, not leave them with some stranger and then my mind was really made up when i became a nursery nurse, the things i saw, you wouldnt leave a pet rat in the hands of these women, never mind your precious children! but how dare someone try an make us feel like less of a woman for wanting and actually enjoying this kind of life.
oh and just for the record, i love sprinkles, especially pink ones! xo